Regional Plan of Action

The Monitoring and Evaluation System of the CTI-CFF:

  1. Developed with the objective of keeping track of the results and progress towards achieving the five goals set in the CTI-CFF's Regional Plan of Action (RPOA), as well as the 3 high level outcomes.
  2. Described in the Monitoring and Evaluation System Operations Manual.
  3. Provides a set of common indicators (SMART -specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound), comparable across geographies and cultures.
  4. The status of each indicator during the year 2009 (adoption date of the CTI-CFF RPOA) will be used as a baseline.
A list of 5 CTI-CFF RPOA goals, its targets and the indicators to measure progress towards achieving these are displayed below. For each indicator, a list of the datasets needed to measure it is provided, with a link to download the datasets (when available).

Goal 1:

Seascapes are defined as: “Large, multiple-use marine areas, defined scientifically and strategically, in which government authorities, private organizations, and other stakeholders cooperate to conserve the diversity and abundance of marine life and to promote human well-being.” A guidebook to select, develop and implement Seascapes can be found here.

A set of priority seascapes across the Coral Triangle will be designated, to serve as the geographic focus of major investments and action during 2010 – 2020. Comprehensive Seascape Investment Plans for each priority seascape need to be completed, along with an overall scheme for the sequencing of investments across the 10-year timeframe of the CTI Plan of Action.

The indicators to track the progress towards the designation and effective management of seascapes still needs to be refined and endorsed by the CTI-CFF; thus, a dataset is not available yet.

Target 1.1
"Priority seascapes" designated with investment plans completed and sequenced.
Indicator 1.1.1
Number of priority seascapes designated with investment plans.
Target 1.2
Marine and coastal resources within all "Priority Seascapes" are being sustainably managed.
Indicator 1.2.1
Number of priority seascapes under continuous improved management.

Goal 2:

An ecosystem approach to fisheries strives to balance diverse societal objectives, by taking into account the knowledge and uncertainties about biotic, abiotic and human components of ecosystems and their interactions, and applying an integrated approach to fisheries within ecologically meaningful boundaries.

Principles of EAFM:

  1. Fisheries should be managed to limit their impact to the ecosystem to the extent possible.
  2. Ecological relationship between harvested, and associated species should be maintained.
  3. Management measures should be compatible across the entire distribution of the resource.
  4. The precautionary approach should be applied as the knowledge on ecosystems is incomplete.
  5. Governance should ensure both humans and ecosystems well-being and equity.

The indicators to track the progress towards applying an ecosystem approach to management of fisheries are still under review; thus datasets to measure the indicators are not made available yet.

Target 2.1
Strong legislative, policy and regulatory frameworks in place for achieving an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM).
Indicator 2.1.1
Number of policies and regulations promoting EAFM at regional and national levels with regulatory framework and budget allocated for their operationalization.
Indicator 2.1.2
Number of projects and programs implementing EAFM and components thereof.
Target 2.2
Improved income, livelihoods and food security in increasingly significant numbers of coastal communities across the region through a new sustainable coastal fisheries and poverty reduction initiative (COASTFISH).
Indicator 2.2.1
Average income (fishing and non-fishing) of coastal households by profession compared to baseline with tuna spawning areas and juvenile growth stages adequately protected.
Indicator 2.2.2
Percent contribution of fish to protein requirements.
Target 2.3
Effective measures in place to help ensure exploitation of shared tuna stocks is sustainable, with tuna spawning areas and juvenile growth stages adequately protected.
Indicator 2.3.1
Number of policies and agreements by CT6 countries for management of tuna.
Indicator 2.3.2
Change in conservation status of tuna.
Indicator 2.3.3
Number of countries adhering to markets or certification standards of tuna fisheries agreed upon by CT6 countries.
Target 2.4
A more effective management and more sustainable trade in live reef fish and reef-based ornamentals achieved.
Indicator 2.4.1
Number of policies and agreements on live reef fish trade among CT6 to decrease level of destructive fishing practices linked to the trade.
Indicator 2.4.2
Number and area (km2) of locally managed areas for live reef fish trade.
Indicator 2.4.3
Number of countries adhering to markets/certification (live reef fish and ornamental fisheries) agreed by CT6.
Indicator 2.4.4
Change in conservation status of live reef fish species (to be decided by CTI as a body or by a forum designated by the CT6 according to IUCN-red list criteria assessment or other criteria to be determined by CTI).

Goal 3:

The CTMPAS include four categories of MPAs and MPA networks:
Category 4 – Regional Flagship Sites
Category 3 – Priority Development Sites
Category 2 – Effectively Managed CTMPAS Sites
Category 1 – Recognized CTMPAS Sites.

For more information in the CTMPAs, refer to the developed CTMPAs framework here.

Target 3.1
Region-wide Coral Triangle MPA System (CTMPAS) in place and fully functional.
Indicator 3.1.1
CTMPAS Framework developed and adopted by CT6.
Download document
Indicator 3.1.2
Percent or area of total marine habitat in CT region in marine protected or managed areas.
Download marine protected areas dataset
Indicator 3.1.3
Percent of each major marine and coastal habitat type in strictly protected “no-take replenishment zones”.
Download marine protected areas dataset
Download coral reefs dataset
Download mangrove dataset
Download seagrass dataset
Indicator 3.1.4
Percent or area (km2) of marine protected areas under “effective” management.
Download marine protected areas dataset
Indicator 3.1.5
Percent or area of marine protected/ managed areas included in CTMPAS.
Download marine protected areas dataset

Goal 4:

A region-wide Early Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (REAP) for the near-shore marine and coastal environment (including small island ecosystems) has been completed. CTI countries should implement this plan,– addressing economic and livelihood needs of coastal communities heavily dependent on marine and coastal resources, and biodiversity conservation objectives. In order to facilitate this, the CTI-CFF has created a roadmap which establishes regional priorities of the Coral Triangle countries for the years 2013 through 2019. These priorities were established after taking stock of regional, national, and local actions implemented since the establishment of the CTI.

Target 4.1
Region-wide Early Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation for the near-shore marine and coastal environment and small island ecosystems developed and implemented.
Indicator 4.1.1
Number of regional agreements/frameworks/plans (e.g. REAP) developed.
Download regional CCA policies dataset
Indicator 4.1.2
Number of national policies (including national CCA plans and frameworks) laws and regulations on climate change adaptation proposed and adopted.
Download national CCA policies dataset
Indicator 4.1.3
Proportion of local governments that have integrated climate adaptation into local governance (plans and actions).
Download local CCA implementation dataset
Indicator 4.1.4
Area of Mangroves (hectares).
Download mangrove dataset
Target 4.2
Networked national centers of excellence on climate change adaptation for marine and coastal environments are established and in full operation.
Indicator 4.2.1
A national institution within CT6 designated and networked to address climate change adaptation coordinated with national government support.
* Dataset not available yet

Goal 5:

A draft set of indicators to measure the progress towards attaining target 5.1 has been developed and available through the Monitoring and Evaluation System Manual of the CTI-CFF.

Nonetheless, in May of 2014, the 5th CTI-CFF Ministerial Meeting (MM5) approved the establishment of a new Threatened Species technical working group (TSWG).

This TSWG is expected to refine/improve the draft indicators. For this reason, datasets to quantify the indicators listed below are still not made available.

Target 5.1
Improved status of sharks, sea turtles, seabirds, marine mammals, corals, seagrass, mangroves and other identified threatened species.
Indicator 5.1.1
Number of new policies or agreements adopted at the regional, national and local levels that are in compliance with the international agreements on threatened species.
Indicator 5.1.2
Area (km2) of protected marine habitat that contributes to conservation of threatened and endangered species protected.
Indicator 5.1.3
Number of threatened species with improved status (to be decided by CTI as a body or by a forum designated by the CT6 according to IUCN-red list criteria assessment or other criteria to be determined by CTI).